

Company profile

HvS has been a leading cyber security consultancy since its foundation in 2002. With a holistic and pragmatic approach, HvS advises multinational corporations and SMEs in all areas of IT security with the aim of protecting information and warding off cyber attacks. Thanks to its many years of experience, HvS offers a wide range of solutions in the field of IT security and Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC). These include information security management according to ISO 27001, TISAX® or KRITIS, effective prevention against industrial espionage, incident response, penetration tests as well as a variety of training courses and e-learnings on topics such as cyber security, data protection and compliance under the awareness product brand IS-FOX. HvS currently employs more than 50 people and has its headquarters in Garching near Munich.

Market & Drivers

The addressed market is characterized by a steadily increasing relevance and demand for cyber security solutions. Next to fundamental growth factors such as the increasing number of end devices and data volumes, the key drivers of the double-digit market growth are the intensifying threat situation and the associated stricter regulations. At the same time, expenditure on prevention and employee training is increasing to proactively prevent the risk of attacks. HvS fulfils these requirements as a quality leader with a unique combination of consulting and awareness solutions.

NORD Holding's contribution

In 2023, the NORD Holding Small Cap Fund acquired a majority stake in HvS. The investment sets the basis for the further expansion of its market positioning and the continuation of the dynamic growth path. Add-on acquisitions may also be included in future plans, especially in specialist disciplines.

We are looking forward to opening the next chapter in our company history together with NORD Holding. The importance of cyber security will continue to grow strongly, so we want to work together to find premium solutions for the intensifying threat situation and stricter regulations.

Michael Hochenrieder & Frank von Stetten